6 Tips for Managing Dental Anxiety

Managing Dental AnxietyIf the thought of visiting the dentist gives you an immediate anxiety attack, take comfort in the

fact that millions of people have the same problem.

Dental anxiety can occur even if you have never had a bad experience at the dentist. The state of being in a vulnerable position in the dentist’s chair, with no role to play in the process, can cause feelings of anxiety and distress. Here a few methods of dealing with dental anxiety that can be used when the stress begins to overtake you.

1 – iPod Use

Music has always been known to produce a calming effect, and many dentists provide iPod’s for their patients to be a bit of distraction during dental procedures. They generally ensure that a variety of musical choices are available for any taste.

However, if your dentist doesn’t provide this handy tool, you can bring your own. Download something special for your dental appointment, so that you will have something to look forward to, instead of dreading your visit.

2 – Lavender Scent

Lavender essential oil has been to induce a calmer state for hundreds of years. Studies show that it can reduce anxiety, induce sleep and decrease post-operative pain.

The scent of lavender appears to slow activity in the central nervous system, which produces the calming effect. Try inhaling lavender oil before your next dental appointment to enjoy this natural relaxant.

3 – Breathing Exercises

Many experts in stress reduction recommend using breathing exercises to reduce anxiety and increase mental focus. Stress causes people to breath shallowly, which increases anxiety. Making sure that you have sufficient oxygen can help to circulate stress-reducing brain chemicals throughout the body.

Take long, slow breaths through your nose and hold the breath for two or three seconds. Then, slowly release the breath over a number of seconds. Repeat 10 times, and you will experience a greater feeling of calm.

In another method, you cup your hands over your mouth while breathing so that you re-breath carbon dioxide that is normally expelled. This action can also provide a feeling of less anxiety and greater relaxation.

4 – Meditation

The benefits of meditation are being recognized by the medical community, and many physicians advise their patients to learn this useful practice for dealing with everyday stress and a variety of conditions.

If you don’t know how to meditate, research local yoga studios or community colleges. During meditation, visualize being in the dentist chair, feeling calm, happy and in control. Hold this mental image as long as you can.

The physical relaxation and mental calm produced by meditative practice can help individuals get through procedures more easily.

5 -Herbal Remedies

A number of herbal remedies have been found to be effective for reducing anxiety. Passionflower extract reduces anxiety is generally considered safe. Valerian is another plant extract that can be used for stress reduction and for inducing sleep.

Chamomile has been used as a calming agent for hundreds of years, and studies show it can be effective for reducing anxiety and stress.

6 – Medications

If anxiety is a chronic problem, you should talk to your dentist or family physician about providing an anti-anxiety medication that you can take a few hours before your appointment, so that you will be in a calm and relaxed state for your procedure.

Although many people dislike taking medications they feel they don’t need, they can provide that extra measure of security that can prevent avoiding dental procedures that they may need.

Anyone can be struck with a bout of dental anxiety when anticipating an upcoming procedure. If you implement these remedies, you can sail through your appointment with less fear and greater confidence.

If you have severe dental anxiety or are afraid to go to the dentist, don’t let your health suffer by producing other health-related fears later on down the road. Visit East Charlotte Dental in Mint Hill, NC. Our dentists are very friendly and look to reduce pain for all patients that need dental care. We have a safe and fun environment. Call Today!